1. DRSTEREO: A PC-based computer vision system incorporates the latest techniques from computer vision and photogrammetry to assist user in performing metric measurements using video images.
                    2. CCDCAL_PLANE: CCD camera calibration using planer constraint.
3. REL_DEP and REL_INDEP: Dependent and independent relative orientation of stereo images.
                    4. ABSOLUTE: Absolute orientation of stereo model.
5. REL_ABS: Combines the relative orientation and absolute orientation processes together.
6. INTERSECTION: A space intersection program to compute spatial object space coordinates from a pair of stereo images.
                    7. SECTIONING: Cross-sectioning and surface measurements algorithm.
8. PAR_PRECISION: Compute by-product measurement parameters and precision.
                    9. PLOT: Represents 3-D measurements in a graphical digital format.
10. PLANE: An interactive computer software for routine plane surveying problem solving.
11. K-PAVER: A stereometric knowledge-based system for maintenance of streets network.
                    13. SUPER-ROUTE: Spread sheet for geometric design of alignments and earth wo.